Lucy woke up at the sound of her own snoring and was shocked at how loud it was, almost like an animal. ‘No more pizza in bed’ she thought to herself and went to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and noticed that her nose was curling up at the tip. She thought nothing of it, but hurried to gather up her things, the train would be leaving shortly and wouldn’t wait for nobody. When Lucy was putting on her shoes, her feet didn’t feel right… they were somehow much harder and smaller than she remembered. The toes also seemed to be unnaturally close to one another, making a weird gap in the middle. This definitely wasn’t right, but she was worried about missing the train so she moved along. The walk to the train was quite difficult because her shoes kept falling off and when wobbling into the train station, she suddenly had a weird itch on her lower back. She made it to the train on time but before sitting down next to a rather handsome gentleman, she reached down at the back of her trousers and let out a loud cry. Lucy had actually grown a short, curly tail!
‘Oh don’t worry about it’, said the gentleman with a warm smile, ‘it only appears that you are turning into a pig.’ Lucy looked around nervously and felt really confused.
‘Maybe it’s because of the weather?’ she said worried but took a seat.
‘Oh yes, definitely.’ Said the gentleman supportively and after a short silence took a small box from his jacket.
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